PresentationHR ProjectsFinance projectsSQL OptimizationETL functionality
During my time at Ocea Smart Building (OSB) I have had a long period of activity in IT project management. Here are some examples of projects I have been involved in.

  • HR Project Management
  • Project Management Finance
  • Optimisation of SQL queries
  • ETL features

HR project management

The first project I worked on consisted in selecting and implementing an absence management software (paid leave and time off) and a time management software (timesheets) to replace the environment used ... Excel files. This was the first digitalization project of OSB's HR department.
The company's HRD had already worked alone on a first version of the expression of needs for the selection of the tool and had launched an initial consultation in 2013. We took over the project together in 2014. The first step (carried out in 2014) was to take up and complete the expression of needs already started before launching the consultation of publishers.
We then consulted three software publishers(Cegid, Infor and NovRH) and a reseller Dimo Software. Dimo is a reseller of the suite including FIGGO and TIMI published by the company Lucca. The HRD called Cégid and NovRH, I contacted Infor and Dimo Software.
The consultation took place in 2015 in two consultation phases. For the first consultation phase I worked with the HRD and the payroll manager, we short listed NovRH and Dimo Software.
We launched the second consultation phase by including future users from the OSB agency in Lyon: the agency manager and assistant. For this second phase only NovRH and Dimo Software were present.
At the end of our consultation, all the members of the project team agreed to choose the software suite published by Lucca and resold by Dimo Software. The tools proposed by NovRH being also very good, the choice was difficult. You can consult the following documents:

The implementation was then done very quickly with the reseller Dimo Software. Dimo organises an annual session for users of the software suite published by Lucca. I attended the first sessions of this User Club.

The second HR project I worked on was to define the workflow for onboarding and offboarding.
To consult the document resulting from my reflection: click here """.

Project Management Finance

During my experience at Ocea Smart Building, I worked on two projects with the CFO: the definition of financial flows and the implementation of the GEC Vision tool published by Dimo Software.
For the financial flow definition project, I had to define the network architecture expected by the infrastructure team and to interface with the external teams managing the tools to be interfaced. These were integrators and Suez teams managing the group's tools with which we had to interface.
As the subject is still sensitive, I do not wish to show any documents on the subject to guarantee maximum confidentiality.

I also worked on the implementation of the GEC Vision tool (whose new name is CashOnTime), which is an accounting lettering software. Within this framework I followed the activity of the teams of the editor for the installation and the interfacing with the ERP used at OSB. I also intervened until March 2017 for the operations of updates and support on the tool.
Consult the installation report by clicking here "".
Once all the elements were in place, I established the scheduling of the treatments. Consult it by clicking here "".

Optimisation of SQL queries

The first software suite developed by Isiom and then Ocea Smart Building is called "Isi For You". It is a property management software solution made up of modules divided into 4 functional areas: asset management, environmental control, technical management and occupant services management. The solution is developed off-shore, i.e. the specifiers are employees of the company and the developers are all contractors based in Romania. Mostly juniors, their SQL query writing is not necessarily optimal.
One of my tasks was to revise the SQL queries to get a faster execution. I will not detail the data model of the application but to keep it simple: all structuring elements defined in the application have a record in a "central" table named "RUM_OBJECT_BASE". The data type of these records is defined in the "RUM_TYPE_OBJECT_BASE" table and any record in the "RUM_OBJECT_BASE" table refers to a data type in the "RUM_TYPE_OBJECT_BASE" table.

One of the ways to optimize is to filter the records of the first table by defining the corresponding type of the second table. Here is an example of a SQL query "".
I show here only one example of query optimization. Already by repeating the same principle to other queries I managed in some cases to divide by 10 the execution time of the queries. I also had a majority of cases where the execution time of the optimized queries was 1/3 of that of the original queries. For example I managed to reduce the execution time from one second to 100 milliseconds or from one second to 300 milliseconds.

ETL features

The ETL tool used at Isiom and then Ocea Smart Building is Kettle (now Pentaho Data Integration). I always tried to use the latest stable and functional version of the tool. I have been involved in several projects as an ETL project manager:

  • In the context of customising the Isi For You software suite to meet specific customer needs
  • As part of the implementation of reporting on mobile phone use
  • Within the framework of the import of data into the BPMS software (second tool developed by the company)